IQ or intelligence quotient

IQ is short for the phrase «intelligence quotient». Intelligence is the ability to learn or understand. This is what determines how effectively each of us copes with life's tasks as they arise. And how we benefit intellectually from our experiences. Different people have different levels of intelligence. And that's what intelligence tests (IQ tests) try to measure.
A properly validated test should be completed by approximately 5,000 to 20,000 users. The results must be compared before the test can accurately measure a person's IQ. However, adults must be assessed on an IQ test, which has an average IQ score of 100. Their results are scored above or below this norm, according to known scores.
However, if an intelligence test is designed for international use, then the average IQ score may differ from 100. In different countries, the average IQ level is different. Therefore, in general, for all countries of the world, the average IQ test score can be below or above 100 points.
On our site you can see the IQ rating of the countries of the world by average level. You can also take one of our IQ tests to find out your IQ level.
Your IQ (intelligence quotient) is the number by which you can compare yourself to other people. Everything that IQ does is an attempt to give you more accurate information about where you are on the comparative IQ scale. For example, you can take an intelligence test on our website and then see the statistics of the results of website users. You will be able to see where you are within your own country and among other countries of the world.
Knowing your IQ has many benefits. In the process of human development, understanding one's own potential and one's own limitations can be of great value. We all have both a certain potential and personal limitations. IQ is just one of many indicators of potential and limitations. It is important to know and understand that many other factors come into play that are important for success and happiness. For example, motivation, sensitivity, diligence, ability to love are among these factors. They refer to abilities that are not measured by standard intelligence (IQ) tests.
An intelligence test score indicates your intelligence quotient (IQ). This is a specific numerical measurement of a not quite definite concept - intelligence. While IQ is a measure of innate ability and potential, it is not a pure measure. Even the best test of innate ability is tainted with specific ability factors and information and skills acquired through experience and training. However, IQ is a fairly good descriptive and predictive measure. The intelligence test is a method of measuring intelligence. Differences in IQ scores indicate differences in brain structure and differences resulting from external influences and life experiences.
Intelligence and intellectual ability are necessary for creativity to lead to «good» products of human labor. The creative mind must be able to extract the necessary information, ideas and concepts. Although highly creative people do not always show high IQs, they will not be capable of creative success if their intellectual abilities are extremely low. When reference is made to «very smart, very creative» people, it refers to people who have an actual (perhaps as yet unrecorded) IQ of 140 to 150 or even higher. Experience has shown that most creative people score between 120 and 139 on standard intelligence tests.
To improve your functional IQ (the level of intelligence at which you actually work, not the measured IQ), you need to: read various literature, watch educational videos, take various courses on various topics that interest you. Example topics for study: art, travel, other cultures, art, archeology, science, technology and others. This leads to the development of your awareness of worlds other than yours. This is an excellent activity to expand your consciousness. Study everything that gives new kinds of information and understanding of life in general. Expanding your area of interest and knowledge base will not only increase your level of mental functioning, but will also make life more interesting. Also, you yourself will become more interesting to the people around you. In addition to this, periodically you can take IQ tests, which will increase your experience in tests. Your logic and non-standard thinking will develop.
But in order to achieve high results in a particular work, it is necessary to focus on the study of information around this topic. That is, spend more time studying information related to your work. But you can not go in cycles in one and the same. Don't forget to expand your horizons. So you will increase your intellectual variability and creativity of thinking.
High scores on intelligence tests are just one of many indicators that a person has potential or present abilities that are clearly outstanding. A high IQ is an indicator of giftedness and talent in the academic and intellectual fields. But besides intellectual giftedness, there are other areas of human ability in which a person can also be gifted. IQ scores are not reliable measures of ability in the creative, psychomotor, and leadership areas.
IQ scores tend to vary somewhat on different occasions and on different IQ tests. However, there should be a range of IQ scores within approximately 20 points. The reasons for this normal range of IQ variation are due to the following facts:
1. There are some differences in the IQ tests themselves.
2. Differences in testing conditions will affect a person's performance on intelligence tests at different times.
3. The physical and mental well-being of a person taking an IQ test will vary from one time to the next.