Average IQ

Here you can see information about the average IQ in different countries of the world. That is, this is the IQ rating of countries by the average level, formed from the statistics accumulated on our website. To make an analysis of the average IQ level for one country, it is enough to collect information on the test results of 5000 users. Our site has collected information about the results of testing more than 1,500,000 users.
Sometimes users take the same IQ test multiple times. This can skew the final result of the statistics. Therefore, we try to remove duplicate results from our statistics, as a result, the accuracy of the information becomes higher. If you need information about the average IQ of countries on a specific test, then select the test number at the bottom of the page and click the button.
IQ rating of countries
Countries Average IQ
Japan115 - 118,5
South Korea109 - 113
Taiwan (and Hong Kong)108 - 111
Netherlands107,5 - 110
Germany105 - 108
Switzerland105 - 107,5
France105 - 107
Great Britain105 - 107
USA104 - 107
Belgium103 - 107
Austria102 - 106
Italy104 - 105,5
Spain103,5 - 105
Canada103 - 105
Czech Republic103 - 105
Poland102 - 105
Russia102 - 105
Singapore101 - 105
Countries Average IQ
Vietnam96 - 99
Brazil95 - 99
Bulgaria95 - 99
Greece95 - 98
Indonesia95 - 98
Thailand94 - 98
Kazakhstan94 - 97
Romania94 - 97
Moldova93 - 97
Türkiye93 - 97
Uzbekistan93 - 97
Syria94 - 96
Armenia91 - 95,5
Georgia93 - 95
Palestine92 - 94,5
Morocco92 - 94
Tunisia92 - 94
Algeria91 - 94
Slovakia102 - 104
Sweden102 - 104
Portugal101 - 103
Estonia100 - 103
Hungary99 - 102,5
Mongolia101 - 102
Israel100 - 102
Norway99 - 102
Finland99 - 102
Ukraine99 - 101,5
Latvia99 - 101
Lithuania99 - 101
Denmark98 - 101
Slovenia98 - 101
Croatia98 - 100
Serbia98 - 100
Belarus95 - 100
Malaysia97 - 99
Egypt92 - 93,5
Azerbaijan91 - 93
Lebanon91 - 93
Sudan91 - 93
Yemen91 - 93
India89 - 93
Libya90 - 92
Jordan90 - 91,5
Oman89,5 - 91,5
Laos89 - 91
Saudi Arabia88 - 90,5
Albania87 - 89
Kuwait87 - 89
UAE87 - 89
Bangladesh85 - 87
Iraq85 - 87
Bahrain84 - 86
Afghanistan83 - 86
Countries with the highest IQs are at the top of the table, while countries with low IQs are at the bottom of the table. The site maintains data statistics for 201 countries of the world. To see the average IQ of countries not included in the ranking table, you need to select the test number and click on the button - (IQ statistics) located below. There you will be able to see the statistics for each test, not the averages. You can also see the IQ scale presented on the graph, including for each country.
IQ statistics
Test number
It should be understood that the information on the average IQ level of the countries of the world presented on this page is approximate. The first reason is that different tests may have different levels of difficulty for users from different countries. For example, in Test 1, the average IQ of country A was 2 points higher than that of country B. But in test 2, the situation may be reversed: the average IQ level of country A is lower by 2 points than that of country B. That is, in test 2, some questions turned out to be more difficult for users from country A. As a result, for country B the questions of Test 2 (in general) turned out to be easier than for country A.
The second reason is not high enough user activity in some countries. This slightly reduces the accuracy of information about the ranking of such countries.
The third reason is that in poor countries, only those people who have a smartphone or computer can complete our intelligence tests. That is, people with higher income and higher IQ (on average). Therefore, the actual average IQ in these countries may be slightly lower than indicated in the rankings. But, nevertheless, our IQ rating of countries is quite accurate. If you look at the table, you can see that the ranking of the countries corresponds to the real state.
On our site you can take one of our IQ tests to find out your IQ level.